Lecture at the Uwajima Citizens’ University Lecture Series

On 14 May 2023, I gave a lecture at the Uwajima Citizens’ College Lecture held at Paphiopedilum Uwajima. It was organised by the Uwajima City Lifelong Learning Centre (planned by the Nanyo Citizens’College) and the theme was ‘A citizen of Uwajima who presented the Peace Bell to the UN’.

Around 20 citizens attended the event. After the lecture, I was very happy to hear from the participants about the actual personality of Chiyoji Nakagawa, who said that they were so moved by his Peace Bell activities at the time that they made a donation, and that they remembered a story they heard when Chiyoji was PTA president, which made me feel that I must do even more.

Ms Michiko Kuroda of the Association for Documenting the Uwajima Air Raids displayed wartime relics at the venue, reminding us once again of the importance of peace activities.

Representative: Seiko Takase