On October 16, 2022, the 6th Peace Bell Ringing Ceremony was held in Osaka Expo Memorial Park.
Total 44 people from Tokyo, Osaka and Uwajima attended the ceremony under fine weather as I sweat.
Seiko Takase, representative director, gave a speech. Three dignitaries gave a congratulatory speech;
former minister of state Kansei Nakano, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary in Kansai, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tsutomu Himeno,and a prefectural assembly member in Osaka Yusuke Sugie.
Congratulatory messages from three dignitaries were read; a member of the House of Representatives Takemitsu Okushita, the Governer of Osaka Prefecture Hirofumi Yoshimura, and the superintendent of education of Osaka Prefecture Masashi Hashimoto.
Congratulatory speech was given by the general manager of Osaka Expo Memorial Park Junichi Nozoe. Congratulatory messagesfrom the mayor of Suita City Keiji Goto, and the mayor of Uwajima City Fumiaki Okahara were introduced.
Two groups of Suita Child Ambassadors from the Education Association for Next Generation Children and a parents and a child from Ukurainewho came to Japan as refugee participated in the ceremony.
All the people present rang the Peace Bell. The sound of bell was sent to the world as prayer for peace.
Handmade books with a theme on peace were displayed on site and interested audience had a look at them with admiration.
Although the ceremony was held under the prevention measures to COVID-19 pandemic,thanks to the fine weather, the ceremony certainly helped us to step forward with hope for the future.
After Mitsuo Tomari, our director, gave closing remarks, a group photo was taken and the ceremony was ended smoothly.