Association for the Preservation of the UN Peace Bell gains UN NGO status
On June 26, the Global NGO Executive Committee, chaired by Patrick Sciarratta, informed the Association for the Preservation of the UN Peace Bell, represented by Seiko Takase, of the fact that the application for NGO status was approved, to be effective on the same date, on June 25, 2021. As the result of gaining the NGO status, the Association is eligible for participation in various UN-sponsored events, receiving publications of UN, and recruitment information, for free of charge. An NGO that is based on the Charter of the United Nations is a private organization that cooperates with UN. In that context, NGO is considered to be equivalent with an international organization that is in cooperative relationship with UN. In fact, an organization that cooperates with UN is called UN NGO, and has influential power on the international politics. For-profit organizations, political parties, and foundations are excluded.