The 8th Bell Ringing Ceremony of the Peace Bell was held in Osaka Expo Park on 24 October 2024, United Nations Day.
After the rain of the previous day, the day was blessed with fine weather and the event was held in a refreshing environment.
After an opening speech by Representative Takase Seiko, congratulatory speeches were delivered by Osaka Governor Yoshimura Hirofumi, Suita Mayor Goto Keiji and Osaka Prefectural Education Director Mizuno Tatsuro, followed by greetings from Osaka Prefectural Assembly members Ishikawa Tae and Otake Izumi and Osaka Expo Park Office Director Shinji Hajime. Also, a congratulatory address was presented by Okahara Fumiaki, Mayor of Uwajima City, Nakagawa Chiyoji’s hometown. Many other congratulatory speeches were received, but as the election was under way, we refrained from presenting them. In their congratulatory speeches, the participants expressed their concern about the current unsettled world situation and wished for world peace.
Everyone rang the Peace Bell with their hands together, wishing for peace. When a small child rang the bell, the applause was unintentionally overwhelming and moving.
The ceremony ended without a hitch with a closing speech by Director Ohno Jiro and a commemorative photograph.