On 6 April 2024, the first study session of the 10th anniversary of the Association for the preservation of UN Peace Bell was held at the Hibiya Library and Culture Centre. The lecturer was Mr IWAASA Toshihisa, representative of the IT Engineering Institute and JICA Specialist for the Palestinian Small and Medium Enterprise Support Project, who spoke about the actual situation on the ground.
At the beginning of the study session, Representative TAKASE explained the establishment of the association, followed by a lecture by Mr IWAASA. As for the Israeli-Palestinian issue, the Gaza Strip has been the focus of media coverage, but the West Bank also exists in Palestine. Mr IWAASA, who has even built an industrial park in the West Bank, explained the history of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, which is not reported in Japan, and the background to the present day.
The participants were so enthusiastic that they asked many questions even after the lecture, and time was not enough. Everyone commented that it was a very good study session.